Provided by PokerAcademy 


Business Poker Content

In a nutshell: A business experience, rethought.


The benefits of playing have been recognized for centuries: You will be dealing with topics such as discovery, trial and error, conflict resolution, fitting into a group and learning to lose, relaxing and being creative. Things that are useful for people of all ages and essential for everyday business.


Brain research shows that content acquired through play is remembered in the long term, making us more creative and successful.


Playing - whether it's poker, chess or sports - is an ideal way for business people to work out goals and promote new impulses in a playful way.


You will integrate your newly acquired knowledge into your everyday work from the next working day and also motivate your employees to put more enthusiasm into their creations.

«People don't stop playing because they get old, they get old because they stop playing!»
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Apply game strategies in business


Anyone who understands the art of approaching problems in a playful manner can defuse practically any critical situation with good powers of observation and a feeling for correct actions.



Business content


  • Mindfulness: Am I consciously paying attention to myself and my team? What do I have to do to become (even) more successful?
  • Workshop on "Values": What is life really about? And business? Work better together in a team thanks to more understanding for the other person.
  • Negotiation technique: How do I specifically proceed in difficult negotiations?
  • Motivation: How to motivate myself and my team for the goals of my company?
  • Manipulation: How best to protect myself in important negotiations?
  • Learning to lose: Why and where exactly does it hurt? How will I deal with this feeling in the future? Where exactly is my ego strained?


Through the experience at the poker table, all topics are actively experienced and discussed.

Six tips from the gaming table for the next negotiation


  • Never go into a meeting without knowing how it will end. What is your (exact) goal and who among those present can help you achieve it?
  • Do the reality check. How strong are you really? What aces do you have up your sleeve and when does it make sense to play them?
  • Identify the decision-maker. Who is your counterpart and what needs, values and goals does the person have?
  • Do the right thing at the right time. Momentum, the feeling for the correct time, is essential. You can train this playfully and estimate very precisely when the time is right.
  • Be ready for the finale. A good consultant is far from being a good salesperson. And at the end of the negotiation, the game is played differently and better than in the preliminary rounds.
  • Trust your intuition. While your brain and heart are still arguing about what the best strategy might be, your gut has known for a long time. Always.

«Playful experimentation probably led to just as many insights as the scheduled execution of predefined programs.»
Werner Winkler